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The Practical AI Tips for Your Daily Life

The Importance of Having a Starting Map for AI Usage

In today's world, chat AI has become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives. However, it is important to recognize that while AI is capable of many impressive feats, we cannot rely on it to generate ideas for obscure topics right from the start. Before delving into the depths of AI …

January 31, 2024

Image of post: The Importance of Having a Starting Map for AI Usage

Clarifying Your Questions Before Consulting ChatGPT

Many of us share a common shortcoming: we rush to find solutions before we've sufficiently clarified our questions. With the advanced capabilities of modern AI tools, this issue becomes all the more tempting to fall into ...

December 31, 2023

Image of post: Clarifying Your Questions Before Consulting ChatGPT

Is Natural Language-Based Software Development Becoming a Reality?

The concept of coding purely through natural language, or creating a programming-specific language that mirrors our everyday speech, is a pursuit that dates back decades. This enduring topic has seen many attempts at resolution, with numerous programming languages aspiring to bridge the gap. Yet, despite significant advancements, the promise of …

November 8, 2023

Image of post: Is Natural Language-Based Software Development Becoming a Reality?

Pay Attention to Small Typos When Using ChatGPT, Especially for Coding

When utilizing modern LLMs (Large Language Models) AI, like ChatGPT, it’s important to be mindful of small typos, as they can cost you significant time, especially in the realm of programming ...

October 24, 2023

Image of post: Pay Attention to Small Typos When Using ChatGPT, Especially for Coding

Embarking on the Journey of AI Graphic Toolchains

Over the past two weeks, my partner and I made an important decision - we decided to delve into the world of video game design. Starting from scratch, our goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the game-making process and acquire valuable experience along the way ...

October 8, 2023

Image of post: Embarking on the Journey of AI Graphic Toolchains

I Want to Create a Digital Version of Myself

This is a short post that does not offer any tips or methods. After using ChatGPT and other AI tools/platforms for almost a year, I suddenly had an idea. This idea can also be seen as a need - a need to create a digital copy of my mind within …

September 23, 2023

Image of post: I Want to Create a Digital Version of Myself

AI Scenarios I Frequently Use

I want to share a list of AI scenarios that have been beneficial in my work. Each one has been used at a production level, and I have incorporated them into my daily workflow. I'm only including those I've used for at least two months and found reliable. For some, …

September 14, 2023

Image of post: AI Scenarios I Frequently Use

Overcoming the Blank Slate: Harnessing AI to Jumpstart Innovation

Humans, by nature, struggle to conceive ideas from a blank slate. Imagining what we've never known or experienced is a challenge, especially when tasked with groundbreaking or "zero-to-one" endeavors. However, we excel when provided with a foundation or reference point. Present us with a solution, and almost instinctively, we can …

September 4, 2023

Image of post: Overcoming the Blank Slate: Harnessing AI to Jumpstart Innovation

The Power of Short Keywords as AI Prompts

Unlike searching on Google, where one often sifts through myriad results, AI tools can instantly generate relevant responses. For instance, with platforms like ChatGPT 3.5, short keyword prompts tend to yield quicker results than traditional search engines ...

August 30, 2023

Image of post: The Power of Short Keywords as AI Prompts

"How to Read a Book" - An AI-Powered Approach

Below is a simplified version of my AI-assisted book reading process. Due to space constraints, this is just a skeleton of my workflow, but I believe it will serve as a practical starting point for your initial attempts. The method draws from techniques found in "How to Read a Book" …

August 22, 2023

Image of post: "How to Read a Book" - An AI-Powered Approach