I want to share a list of AI scenarios that have been beneficial in my work. Each one has been used at a production level, and I have incorporated them into my daily workflow. I'm only including those I've used for at least two months and found reliable. For some, I've written detailed posts, and I'll provide those links. I might expand this list in later posts. If you're looking to pick up some AI tips, this post could be a good starting point.


The AI scenarios I've frequently used are:


1. Content Writing: I've identified 3 main ways to use AI for writing.

  (a) Give a draft to AI and let it polish it up.

  (b) Provide the beginning of a piece and have AI expand on it.

  (c) Give a topic and some information, then let AI create the content from scratch.

I often use method (a) and tools like ChatGPT have been really helpful. Specifically for (a), GPT-4 seems to work best. For more, see my post "Use Some AI for Text Editing: Blogs, Emails, and More".


2. Coding: AI tools have been a game changer here. You can describe what you want in comments, and the AI can generate the code. If you have the method planned out, AI can also set up unit tests for you. It's also been handy for bug fixes, refactoring, understanding code, and even tasks like using Linux shell commands. Just remember to double-check the code. If you don't know coding well, you might not get the best results. More on this in my post "Use Some AI for Coding: Accelerate Your Software Development with AI Tools".


3. Project Analysis: Letting AI use established frameworks to review project ideas has been quick and effective. For example, using business models like the Business Model Canvas or the AARRR model to vet a business idea. More details can be found here "Use Some AI for Efficient Business Idea Validation".


4. Information Gathering and Processing: If you've tried the New Bing AI chat, you'll know what I'm talking about. Say you're doing market research. You can ask New Bing to list the top 5 market info sites and give a quick summary of each one's pros and cons.


5. Quick Notes, FAQs, and Assistance: AIs are great for taking memos, explaining concepts quickly, and answering FAQs. I've covered this more in my post "The Power of Short Keywords as AI Prompts".


6. Personal Learning Assistance: This is a bigger topic. I've dedicated a couple of posts to this: ""How to Read a Book" - An AI-Powered Approach" and "Use Some AI for Learning: A New Approach to Acquiring Skills and Knowledge".


7. Brainstorming and Idea Prototyping: ChatGPT, for example, has been a big help in speeding up my brainstorming and prototyping process. I use it quite a lot. For a deeper dive, see my posts "Overcoming the Blank Slate: Harnessing AI to Jumpstart Innovation", "Harnessing AI to Accelerate Idea Prototyping" and "Use Some AI for Your Product Idea Prototyping: An Essential Guide"


8. Translating: Tools like ChatGPT do a solid job with translations, producing results that sound natural. You can even adjust the tone based on different situations or roles. Role-specific prompts have been especially useful here.


There are other use-cases, like analyzing big data, parsing files, and exploring the whole AI toolkit for design, but I haven't delved deep into those yet. Maybe they'll be topics for future posts.

AI Scenarios I Frequently Use