Welcome to USE SOME AI blog!

I created this site to provide you with practical and straightforward tips for using AI in your daily life.

Many people are interested in incorporating AI into their routines but are often intimidated by the technical jargon and complexity involved. My posts offer actionable and easy-to-follow advice, helping you to quickly and effectively integrate AI tools into your daily routines. So, come on in, explore my posts, and let's make the most of the incredible benefits that AI has to offer!

I'm excited to share what I've learned so far and to continue learning alongside you as we explore new ideas in AI and build great things together.

Oh, and about that picture—it's my 4-year-old ragdoll cat—a relentlessly curious little guy. This mirrors the curiosity you'll find throughout this blog, so I've chosen to feature his adorable photo here.

Welcome to USE SOME AI

My Recent Posts

The Importance of Having a Starting Map for AI Usage

In today's world, chat AI has become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives. However, it is important to recognize that while AI is capable of many impressive feats, we cannot rely on it to generate ideas for obscure topics right from the start. Before delving into the depths of AI …

January 31, 2024

Image of post: The Importance of Having a Starting Map for AI Usage

Clarifying Your Questions Before Consulting ChatGPT

Many of us share a common shortcoming: we rush to find solutions before we've sufficiently clarified our questions. With the advanced capabilities of modern AI tools, this issue becomes all the more tempting to fall into ...

December 31, 2023

Image of post: Clarifying Your Questions Before Consulting ChatGPT

Is Natural Language-Based Software Development Becoming a Reality?

The concept of coding purely through natural language, or creating a programming-specific language that mirrors our everyday speech, is a pursuit that dates back decades. This enduring topic has seen many attempts at resolution, with numerous programming languages aspiring to bridge the gap. Yet, despite significant advancements, the promise of …

November 8, 2023

Image of post: Is Natural Language-Based Software Development Becoming a Reality?
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