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The Practical AI Tips for Your Daily Life

Maximizing AI Potential: Injecting Expert Knowledge into ChatGPT

I decided to experiment with ChatGPT. Prompting it with, "Please use the techniques in 'Made to Stick' and 'Contagious' to write the article for me. Here's my draft. And please explain how you use the techniques in the article," I waited. To my astonishment, ChatGPT didn't just refine my draft—it …

August 14, 2023

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AI Conversations: The Side Benefits You Didn't See Coming

A couple of months ago, I embarked on a journey to design the content structure for my website. Throughout this process, I had numerous conversations with ChatGPT, discussing various aspects of my site. This persistent interaction made me realize a latent potential of AI: the ability to leverage the information …

August 6, 2023

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The Surprising Benefits of Unclear Prompts with AI

Unclear prompting can be a boon when it comes to stimulating an array of raw ideas. Humans excel at building and refining upon these draft ideas. It's a known fact that we often struggle to create something from scratch, especially when it involves creativity – a trait that only a …

July 31, 2023

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Activating Thinking: A Necessity for Effective Use of AI Tools

While our default cognitive approach is often satisfactory for many tasks, it falls short when utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, especially given their current capabilities and limitations. Consider the example of AI language models like ChatGPT. They are powerful assistants, capable of generating meaningful outputs based on the input prompts. …

July 23, 2023

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Enhancing Your Interaction with ChatGPT: Techniques for Providing More Detailed Information

The effectiveness of artificial intelligence, particularly in communication models like OpenAI's ChatGPT, relies heavily on the amount of relevant information provided by the user. When it comes to having complex conversations or discussing detailed topics with the AI, supplying sufficient data is key ...

July 19, 2023

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Harnessing AI to Accelerate Idea Prototyping

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the remarkable ability to help individuals prototype their original ideas with incredible speed and effectiveness. The concept of brainstorming can ascend to previously unimagined heights when AI becomes an active partner in the process. Why does AI excel in this role? The reason is both simple …

July 16, 2023

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Leveraging AI Communication to Enhance Your Human Interactions

It's an interesting observation that the greatest impediment to quality communication often lies in human emotion. The emotional elements we embed in our dialogue tend to color our perception of the conversation itself. As expounded in "Thinking, Fast and Slow," our emotional minds are not as easily controlled as our …

July 12, 2023

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Don't Abdicate Control to AI: You're the Leader

If you're a novice user of AI tools, you might be prone to a common pitfall: surrendering control to AI too readily. You might find yourself rapidly scanning responses and hastily inputting the next prompt, sometimes even before fully comprehending the previous responses. This is a manifestation of our innate …

July 9, 2023

Image of post: Don't Abdicate Control to AI: You're the Leader

Use Some AI for Efficient Business Idea Validation

Humans inherently struggle with analyzing their own ideas. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes to the rescue. Modern AI tools, such as ChatGPT, are equipped to carry out intricate prototyping and crafting tasks, enabling you to analyze your ideas quickly and thoroughly. With ChatGPT, you can input your business …

July 5, 2023

Image of post: Use Some AI for Efficient Business Idea Validation

Seamlessly Integrating AI into Your Daily Workflow

The incredible strides made in AI technology have significantly transformed the landscape of routine tasks and workflows. Many of us might naturally wonder: 'Should I incorporate AI into my workflow? If so, how?' As someone who has experienced the remarkable difference AI integration can make firsthand, I'm here to share …

July 2, 2023

Image of post: Seamlessly Integrating AI into Your Daily Workflow