In the evolution of AI, I believe this year marks a significant shift. No, it's not about reaching "Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)" just yet. The real breakthrough lies in AI's accessibility for non-tech individuals. This shift heralds a new era where AI becomes a potent tool for everyday tasks, transcending the boundaries of tech-savvy circles.

Today, I harness the power of AI for various activities, from blogging and coding to product ideation, business model brainstorming, market research, and learning new skills. The most remarkable part? It's not just viable, but extremely effective in real-world applications.


So, here's the crucial message: Don't treat AI as a mere business fad or a buzzword. It's not a shiny new toy. Think of it as a practical, production-grade tool. Otherwise, you might miss out on its transformative potential.

If you're new to this realm and wondering how AI tools like ChatGPT could benefit you, here are some high-frequency use cases that I engage with regularly:

1) Text Editing: AI is highly competent at producing production-level text, be it blog posts, emails, or even books.

2) Coding: AI excels in this domain, with certain caveats. You can't delegate large projects directly to AI, but you can employ the divide-and-conquer method. Ask AI to generate code snippets for you, one at a time, and gradually build your entire project.

3) IT Maintenance: Need to check your host status or execute some basic configuration of your server machine? Just ask ChatGPT to provide you with the commands or write the scripts for you directly.

4) Prototyping New Products or Services: Discuss your raw ideas with AI. It can offer valuable insights, sparking a highly interactive brainstorming session, much like a collaborative partner.

5) Learning New Skills and Knowledge: AI can quickly compile preliminary information on any subject, outperforming traditional search tools. It can act as your teacher, trainer, or learning partner.

6) Market Research: While this may seem similar to the previous point, the significance and utility of AI in gathering market intelligence warrant its separate mention.

7) Building or Refining Business Models: ChatGPT, for instance, is excellent at quickly transforming a raw business idea into a formal, actionable business model.

In subsequent posts, I'll delve deeper into each of these scenarios, offering some basic yet crucial tips.


Other AI tools, such as Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and Dall-E, specialize in creative and visual tasks. As my personal work hasn't required much interaction with these tools yet, I'll reserve my insights for when I've had a more in-depth experience with them.

Keep an eye out for my future posts. Here's to harnessing the power of AI in our everyday lives!

Use Some AI in Your Daily Life: It's For Everyone, Even Non-Tech People