It's an interesting observation that the greatest impediment to quality communication often lies in human emotion. The emotional elements we embed in our dialogue tend to color our perception of the conversation itself. As expounded in "Thinking, Fast and Slow," our emotional minds are not as easily controlled as our logical minds, often becoming the source of many misunderstandings. Couple this with certain cognitive biases like the halo effect, and the result can diverge dramatically from our initial expectations, leading to conflict, resentment, or unhappiness.


Take a step back and observe your day-to-day life; these situations are easier to spot than you might think. However, AI has emerged as a different kind of interlocutor, one devoid of emotional capabilities (for the time being, at least). This effectively circumvents the precondition for emotional miscommunications, as one party (AI) remains incapable of emotional reaction. This new interaction paradigm nudges you into a more patient mode. You might find yourself more tolerant and patient when conversing with AI than with real people.


With continued interaction, you may notice a transformation in your communication style - a shift towards patience and understanding. You start to listen more attentively, reading between the lines, striving to comprehend AI's logic, and in doing so, achieve a more profound understanding.


The case of AlphaGo provides a fitting example. When defeated by this AI, players often sought to learn from it, adopting strategies and tactics from the AI. This interaction sparked a notable evolution in human players' abilities, elevating their skills to a higher level.


Engaging with AI can be a transformative experience. As you navigate these novel interactions, you may notice a surprising benefit: enhanced cognitive abilities. Perhaps, in exploring the realm of AI, we might not just learn to communicate better with machines, but also refine our interpersonal interactions.

Leveraging AI Communication to Enhance Your Human Interactions