While artificial intelligence, particularly platforms like ChatGPT, have been known to answer questions and assist in specific tasks, the extent of their potential utility can be surprisingly vast, as I've recently discovered.


A couple of months ago, I embarked on a journey to design the content structure for my website. Throughout this process, I had numerous conversations with ChatGPT, discussing various aspects of my site. This persistent interaction made me realize a latent potential of AI: the ability to leverage the information provided over time for even more comprehensive tasks.

On a whim, I posed a question to ChatGPT, "Can you outline my site's business model?" Much to my astonishment, the AI generated a concise and precise business model, built upon the foundation of information I'd previously shared. This phenomenon intrigued me: the richer and more detailed the data I fed ChatGPT, the higher the quality of the side-outcomes I received in return.

The crux of this phenomenon lies in the evolving knowledge base. As you feed more and more information into platforms like ChatGPT, you're essentially creating a detailed knowledge reservoir. Given the platform's advanced context-processing ability, this knowledge can be tapped into for a wide range of tasks.

Using my website as an illustrative example, my initial intention with ChatGPT was to get assistance on structuring content, creating taglines, and drafting texts for landing pages. However, as I familiarized the AI with the intricacies of my site, I started pushing the boundaries. Could ChatGPT help craft content for marketing? Could it, perhaps, generate code for specific site functionalities? I experimented with these tasks and more. The outcomes, though not always perfect, were consistently efficient and at a production-ready level. Not only did this save me a significant amount of time, but in many areas, ChatGPT's solutions surpassed even my own expectations.


In conclusion, the real power of AI tools like ChatGPT is not just in answering immediate queries but in harnessing the cumulative knowledge provided over time. The more you interact, the more refined and insightful the AI's assistance becomes. In essence, you're sculpting your own Jarvis, an AI secretary that understands your needs, anticipates your questions, and delivers solutions even before you think of them. Dive in, and start building your knowledge base today. Your future self will thank you for it.

AI Conversations: The Side Benefits You Didn't See Coming